The Unexpected Joy of Refactoring: Code Quality in the Real World

Consistent refactoring is key in software development. Leon and Felix's dialogue highlights how a robust, well-tested codebase allows for efficient adjustments. Embracing small, frequent changes often proves more effective than large, sporadic overhauls, leading to quality and proactive development.

a year ago   •   3 min read

By Stefan Mangat
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash
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Before we jump into a perfect real world example, it's worth noting a critical principle in software development that has stood the test of time. Refactoring is vital. For seasoned developers, the consistent practice of small, routine refactoring is both essential for code quality and deeply satisfying. Such incremental adjustments are more effective and manageable than occasional, massive overhauls. It's how we work; it's what we do.

The conversation below underscores the benefits of this approach. The ability to reshape and restructure even large sections of a codebase stems from the confidence of a well-tested foundation. When the underlying code is robust and well-tested, making extensive changes becomes significantly less painful.

Any developer will tell you that one of the most satisfying experiences is when, after intensive refactoring, everything just seamlessly works. Such a moment was nicely captured in a conversation I recently witnessed between two developers in a project. Thanks, Leon and Felix!

"It's strange when the things you do just work."

"It's alarming that it always somehow surprises."

"[after posting a long list of changed files]... And these aren’t even a few changes."

"When you take the time to calmly reconsider and reshape things, making individual parts simpler, especially with a focus on testability and principles like SOLID, you mostly see the desired effect of finding errors earlier and significantly fewer issues arising down the line."

"I agree with you 100%. It's also a lot of fun then!"

Prioritizing Code Quality

Diving deeper into the concept of code quality, it's not just about ensuring functional correctness. It encapsulates the whole ecosystem where code is maintainable, efficient, and scalable.

When a team or an organization prioritizes code quality, it's an investment. An investment that ensures fewer hiccups in the future and a system that's adaptable to change.

By making individual parts of the code simpler and adhering to tried-and-tested design principles, not only does the health of the codebase improve but also the agility of the team in addressing new requirements or challenges.

Reveling in Refactoring

Never change a running system?

The task of refactoring, as any seasoned developer would acknowledge, can be difficult and of course potentially break things when you try to improve them. Leon's note on the sheer volume of changes showcases this complexity and the best safety net is a well-tested codebase.

Yet, once refactoring is done, it's not just about having a cleaner codebase. It’s also about achieving a clearer understanding of the system, its strengths, and potential vulnerabilities. It paves the way for further innovation and enhancements. Refactoring is, in many ways, a reiteration of the commitment to excellence.

The Assurance of Testability

When we discuss testability, we're reaching the domain of trust. Trust that each module or component behaves as expected. Comprehensive testing – from unit tests to integration tests – provides a safety net.

By placing a strong emphasis on testability, as Felix rightly does, we're ensuring that this safety net is both wide and strong. This not only helps in catching anomalies early but also fosters a culture where developers feel confident in making changes without the fear of unintended side-effects.

Catching Errors Early

One of the strongest pillars of efficient software development is the proactive identification and rectification of issues. The earlier a potential problem is identified, the more straightforward (and often cheaper) it is to address.

This proactive approach is not just a technical best practice but also a mindset. It leads to a smoother development journey and a product that stands the test of time and user demands.

Why does that matter?

Beyond the sheer joy and professional satisfaction, this manner of working offers quite a few more benefits:

  1. Quality over Quantity: By focusing on quality, developers tend to make fewer mistakes that can snowball into bigger problems later.
  2. Early Detection:  TDD ensure bugs are detected early, drastically reducing the lifecycle cost of those bugs.
  3. Reduced Stress: There’s a certain peace that comes with knowing you've thoroughly tested and reviewed your code. It's the peace of a good night's sleep.
  4. Professional Growth: Sticking to these best practices sharpens one's skills, creating better programmers over time.
  5. Maintainability/Changeability: The SOLID principles keep your architecture clean, and therefore maintainable, changeable and extendable with reasonable effort.

In the conversation between our developers, Leon and Felix, the focus was clear: champion quality, welcome ongoing refinement, and maintain a forward-looking perspective. Those interested in deepening their understanding should have a closer look into the influential writings of Robert C. Martin, Gene Kim, and other pioneering figures in software development.

At Intenics, we highly value their works, considering them not as rigid rules but as pragmatic guidelines. We take cues from these best practices, molding and adjusting them to our customer's specific needs, ensuring a balance between foundational knowledge and real-world application.

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