Flash light on S3 Object Lambda

Amazon Web Services (AWS) rolled out the S3 Object Lambda, aiming to bridge storage with on-the-fly data processing. Let's dissect this feature and assess its implications for data retrieval and transformation.

3 years ago   •   2 min read

By Stefan Mangat
Photo by Arno Senoner / Unsplash
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Amazon Web Services (AWS) rolled out the S3 Object Lambda, aiming to bridge storage with on-the-fly data processing. Let's dissect this feature and assess its implications for data retrieval and transformation.


Amazon S3 has become synonymous with cloud storage solutions. But with an ever-growing need for on-the-spot data processing, there's a clear demand for a tool that allows for real-time data processing right within S3. That's the niche S3 Object Lambda aims to fill.

How it works

With S3 Object Lambda, you can directly attach Lambda functions to your S3 retrieval requests. As data is fetched from S3, it's processed through the attached Lambda function. This operation occurs in real-time, ensuring immediate data transformation upon retrieval.

For instance, suppose you want to fetch an image and resize it based on user specifications. With S3 Object Lambda, this transformation happens instantly during the retrieval process, negating the need for subsequent processing.

Under the magnifying glass


Immediate Data Transformation: Instead of fetching and then separately processing the data, S3 Object Lambda combines these two steps. This streamlining results in reduced data processing time.

Simplified Data Architectures: Incorporating processing within retrieval can cut down the number of services or layers required, simplifying the overall data pipeline.


Costs: While S3 Object Lambda can make operations more efficient, the costs associated with Lambda invocations might increase, especially with frequent or complex transformations.

Configuration Complexity: Depending on the transformation requirements, setting up the rules might introduce some complexities, particularly for more intricate transformations.

Use cases explored

Image Transformations: The classic example is real-time image modification. A user might want an image in a different format, resized, or cropped. Instead of a two-step process of fetching and then processing, S3 Object Lambda allows for simultaneous retrieval and transformation.

Data Masking: For businesses handling sensitive data, there might be instances where certain parts of data need to be masked upon retrieval. Think of personal details in a database that, when fetched, should be obscured except for the authorized personnel.

Document Watermarking: Content creators or businesses sharing proprietary documents might want to watermark these documents during retrieval. S3 Object Lambda enables on-the-fly watermarking, making content distribution more secure.

Wrapping Up

The introduction of S3 Object Lambda by AWS is undeniably an attempt to streamline and accelerate the data processing phase. By understanding its strengths and limitations, developers can better decide if and how to incorporate it into their workflows.

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